Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do I have food poisoning or something else? **somewhat graphic**?

I hope that was protected . I would not risk it go to a clinic or doctor at least. How well will you do on those exams worrying about what you have and sick on top of it. You can take a makeup exam but you can't take a makeup if your in the hospital or worse. GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GO. OH YEA NO UNPROTECTED .

Will the knicks trade for tmac?

They would be stupid to. T-Mac is a proven injury prone loser. Every team he's been on has played better as soon as he's traded or goes down with an injury. Save those expiring contracts and cap space for a good free agent.

Was ADOLF HITLER vegetarian??? And an animal-lover???

So, if he was a vegetarian and an animal lover, what? That does not make him a better person, nor does it change history and all the terrible things he and his men did.

What did you think of Heath Ledger?

Well i think he was brilliant. He was soo talented and he was 1 of my favourite actor. It is a shame to see such a talent wasted! Dont you think?!?!

What is a good scary book? The level of violence gore and adult situations doesn't matter.?

I have read all of Peter Straub, Stephen King, David Morell, David Wellington, Tami Hoag, and most of Edgar Alan Poe. I thought Dean Koontz was boring except for Mr. Murder.

Don't Believe the Hype. Al Gore is wrong. There's no "consensus" on global warming.?

You do know that 99% of scientists oppose his views of Global warming right? Yeah as stated above, Lindzen has made some really bad claims in the past, and is not credible anymore. I like to read Wall State Journal and NY Times quite a bit, so thanks for article though.

Did you know that the term "politicaly correct" is politically incorrect?

How can "oriental" be politically incorrect - it means "eastern" . Is that politically incorrect??

Please help me! i really need somone to tell me what to do i cant find her..?

Your Friend is probably with her family, spending time with them. She may be in the middle of helping her family make funeral arrangements. If you can go to her house, then do it. Have someone drive you. Start reading the obituary notices in the local paper, You might see where services are being held. If you know what mortuary the family uses, then call there and find out if they know how to contact the family. Your friend is reaching out to you, so I would do what I can to get in contact with her. When you do reach her, ask what you can do to help. This may be go to the services, so she has a friend to comfort her. It may be going to the house and help to prepare for the services. You can help clean up the house, since there may be many people coming to the house to pay their respects, it may be taking out the trash. After the funeral, ask your mom to help you make a simple meal for the family. Many families don't want to have to cook, so a simple already made meal would be welcome. try to think what you can do to help this family during their time of grief.

When will my phone from sprint arrive?

don't expect it this weekend. it's probably 3-5 business days to ship so i'd say 80% chance this week, probably on wednesday or thursday. if they're slow, no later than the thursday after next. haha i'm jealous i want a new phone

There was dodo on the floor?

so I woke up this morning to find human crap on the bathroom floor and hallway(ewww I probably stepped on it when I used the bathroom last night), it belongs to my sis. Only me and her use that bathroom. My question is how the hell did it get on the floor, and why didnt she clean it up. When I told my mom about it she didnt do anything. I flipping had a fit and went off on both of them. Was I wrong what would you guys have done in that situation.

Its hard letting go... even when its just to your old car. (I feel like a murderer)?

My first car was an 84 Firebird. I still own it, it's parked at my parent's house. It still starts up and runs surprisingly. Not worth much money to sell it so I'm hanging onto it. I'm 28 now, should be cool to still have it when I'm 40. Lot of good memories after graduating high school, going to college, and so forth.

Would women date the Gents? or the GeeZ?

personally i like my gents, geez are to young minded there probly still hanging off there mothers tit lol

What martial arts style is this?

I am self trained in the martial arts. I am use a traditional street fighting stance with both fists clenched. I attack the body using Tiger Style Kung Fu. I attack the head and slower style opponents with Praying Mantis Kung Fu. I grab the opponent using Hapkido techniques. I kick using low Muay Thai Kickboxing kicks. I combo using Jeet Kun Do techniques. I mainly attack using palms, backhands, and elbows. I switch stances based upon martial art and sometimes use Jeet Kun Do stance. I believe in the philosophy of Hwarangdo and Jeet Kun Do. What martial art is similar? Hwarango? Jeet Kun Do? Yunwharyu? Something else? Or is my combination style completely original?

Help translating into Spanish?

En mi primera fiesta de plea�os, invit� a diez personas, miramos pel�culas, com�mos pizza y torta, jugamos y conversamos. Fue muy divertido y hize muchos nuevos amigos. Conoc� a mi mejor amigo David en la fiesta, y ahora nosotros hablamos todos los dias y jugamos toda la semana.

Where can I find some dish towels that are sold cheap?

What I am looking for is some dish towels that I can buy and put tops on Crocheted tops So that I can resell them But I am looking for printed towels Does anyone know of a site that I can go to to purchase these items Such as deer wildlife flowers john deere birds or any of these items

How can i get black women to stay away from me?

People say i look like mel gibson. No wonder all these black women are chasing me. But i don't like black women and they can't seem help but throw themselves at me. 1st, they're not even attractive, 2nd - black women are very upfront and would throw themselves at me putting their face next to mine smearing their foul breathe in my face to the point i have to shove them. No wonder their black men are leaving them for white women, there are so many black males choosing a fat white girl over a black girl.

Would you be offended if someone offered you money after ?

I usually offer toaster strudel as a post-coital snack/thank you but I don't have any at the moment. Should I offer the monetary equivalent of toaster strudel?

How do I loose muscle without ending up with big muscle-less legs?

Hello, I am one of those scary cheetah 100 m-dash running girls who doesn't have big manly legs. I have been running for eight years and my legs haven't haunted me in my sleep once! : ) You can still participate in sports though if you are scare of building up too much muscle, and if you are required to lift some kind of weights at the gym, try using the same weight setting each time or just use a minimal weight setting. That way, the only thing you are doing is toning what you have and avoiding body builder legs.

I want to buy short clic uggs. I'm UK size 4 but I would like to buy in kids sizes. What size?

Where can i purchase them from? I'd like them in grey but I've looked online and the only place I can find them is the actual ugg website, but shipping is �45! Any other suggestions? Also, what are the differences between woman and kids uggs? (apart from the price) :)

What is MLA format???

MLA format is a formal way or writing a paper. It depends on the teacher really, because although they follow the same format they have personnal opinions on how it should be done. If your teacher has not specified just type MLA in google and many cites will come up explaining the format of MLA.

Is this how Islam teaches men to treat their wives? PT 2?

I am being protecting mine wifes....i be insure they wear the niqab as it fills them with love and be making thems secure

When a company demerges will i end up with do i get shares in both companys?

if i own X amount of shares in the parent company when it spilts into two companies will i end up with X amount of shares in each or...?

Army Delayed Entry Program question?

If im in the DEP, do i still have to take drug tests? Im not a druggie or anything, its just that it takes me an hour to get to the place. Plus, peeing in a cup gets a bit comical for me.

What should I do?? helpp mee:(?

Do you have any dated pieces of notes from the cl to prove that you were there? Something like that? Or maybe ask one your fellow clmates who your teacher knows you probably don't ociate with after cles if they can verify that you were there.

Where can I download nice English lullabies?

You could go to a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I'm doing p90x and want to know if i'll get results without following the nutrition plan?

NOW, I want you to know that I already have a GREAT diet. I don't eat any junk and i probably eat a total of 1800 to 2000 calories a day. I am 5'11'' and weigh around 160. I also take whey protein after workouts, and eat no refined sugars or fried foods. however, i plan on eating my three square meals a day, not the 5 that they suggest in the nutrition plan.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Vegan oysters?

this question was already asked and a lot of people put down mushrooms as an answer. my question is how do you make mushrooms (and which mushrooms do you use) taste like oysters (one of the few foods i miss)? lucky for me i am a fungi fanatic!

Guys, why sometimes you would not love the girl, but still want to have with her?

Isn't it better to have with a girl you love? I know it may seem like a stupid question to you, but really, for women it is very hard to understand, because we feel differently.

What can I do if hospitalization left me with credit debt due to inability to work and pay credit card bills?

I was hospitalized on and off for over a year due to illness, which left me unable to work steadily and pay my credit card bills (from before getting sick). They piled up until they became too overwhelming and went to collection agencies. My mom couldn't help because she was/is paying for medical bills and tuition from before I had to leave school (on top of her own bills). I'm back in school but these bills are lingering and my credit is ruined. Any advice or help?

Whenever I make a typo and try to fix it, one of the other letters gets deleted?

Look on your keyboard and find the Insert key. Press that and you should be good. You must have accidentally hit it before.

It happens that I had a dream with Heath Ledger, what does that mean?

Nothing, really. Astrology wise, I'm not sure, I'd have to know the exact dream content. But, you were probably thinking a lot about him, before you fell asleep. Dreams contain fragments and are jumbled up fragment of your life.

What helps wilted plants become firm through osmosis?

Basically it is water but sunlight is equally important otherwise water can not reach all along plant to make it turgid.

What happened to Great Bear on July 26th?

I went to Hershey, and I was sad that it closed cause I was looking forward to that....... It was closed all day....

I have brown bright eyes. Why do i always get red eyes in pictures?

What is happening is that the pupil of a person’s eye, even though it appears to be black when we view it, is actually clear. Since the inside of the eyeball is normally never illuminated, we see it as a small black circle. But in some flash photos, if the flash is close to the lens of the camera, its illumination sends a burst of light right through to the rear of the inside of the subject’s eyeball. The retina of your subject’s eyes is rich in red blood vessels, and this produces the bright red color we see in the pictures.

Been with cingular for 4 on upgrade phone??

Yes.....but ANY type of discount or deal renews a contract, no matter how long you've been with them. And they don't need your signature to do it. If you don't want to get stuck with a two year contract again, buy the phone outright and pay full price.

Can I put Parmesan Cheese into Cream Stew?

I don't see why not. I'd grate the cheese and add it to the stew towards the end of the cooking time. I just made a cream sauce and I added the grated Parmesan cheese at the same time I added the cream. Good luck.

Libruls who support the Democratic party, what's your opinion of this article by Ralph Nader?

I sort of agree. I think Corporations are pulling them both but I think that neither major party has a plan. Then only one who has a plan financially is Ron Paul and Donald Trump said in his Fox interview "Ron Paul is a nice man but he is not a contender" "He won't win". I also think that the reason why the left appears weak is because the Fed, as usual, runs the Government Financially with their quantitative easing and Keynesian economics which as everyone knows, is bankrupting th country. The Right doesn't know what they are talking about and all they do is talk total backwoods trash with no plan

Can i raise a wild finch?

My brother found a finch that wasn't a baby but still very you and he wants to keep it. Can he? and if so how?

Why doesn't Yahoo Answers have a self-righteous bigot filter?

I see the most innocuous questions put by people who just want a sensible answer or point of view. Then you see the answers posted by total self-righteous, up-their-own-**** hypocrites calling them sad, muppets, shallow, perverts - I was even called a silly boy the other day. Are these people really serious, or are they having a joke?

Will the world revert back to city states, when the western governments collapse?

As the dow jones industrial average plummets another 300 points, it is becoming apparent that the current administration's economic strategy is failing considerably. Furthermore, the European Union is on the brink of collapse. Sure bailout money can save the socialist European countries for the time beings, but the underlying fundamental conditions that have led to the economic hardship remain unchanged. As the world economy becomes more integrated, company specific risk is reduced, but the systematic risk of the market increases. Imagine one giant corporation that owns everything. What happens if it collapses? The world economy collapses. And that is what is going to happen next. So, when the markets collapses, the populations will panic and civil war will follow. Will the world revert back into city states, similar to ancient times?

Does anyone know how to make a mod for Quake 4?

I need help on making mods for Quake 4. Someone tell me what to do, or what website to go to for help.

What's your list of idols?

From the relatively recent past, I'd say Sri Aurobindo. He was a Hindu sage from the early 20th century in India who was one of the greatest forces in the independence movement, and he was also a great scholar and had monumental spiritual vision. Unfortunately people outside India don't know him at all, but he was one of the greatest souls in recent memory.

Should I change the gauge of my guitar strings?

Basically, if you are tuning a string sharp, it is best to use a lighter gauge to prevent too much tension making the string snap, and if you are tuning flat, you need a heavier string to stop it from going too floppy. I would use maybe a 20 for the G, and a 53/54 for the low E. You may have problems with the G going floppy and the E being really tight when you tune to standard tuning again.

Are there any kinds of worms that are parasites of other worms?

My four year old daughter just watched a show about a kind of worm that infests fig wasps. She wants to know if there are any kinds of worms that grow inside other worms as a parasite. If so, what kind and where can I find out more.

How long does it take for an auto insurance company to investigate and claim liability?

My daughter was in a car accident on Feb. 25. She was traveling straight in the southbound lane, when a rushing man in the northbound lane turned left in front of her. The driver admitted that he was upset because he had been following a school bus for the last 20 minutes and his friend, whom he was trying to pick up, was late for work. He stated that when he saw the driveway that he cut from behind the bus to turn in then realized from the skidding that he turned in front of a car. His insurance company is still investigating and waiting for pics of the scene and his friends statement. I was told by his insurance company (USAA) that witnesses not listed on the police report could not be used, but his friend is not on the police report and they are waiting for her statement. NC State Highway Patrol responded to the scene and the driver was cited for failure to yield the right of way. The driver was apologetic and admitted several times around a number of people that he must have blanked out or was daydreaming from the frustration of the school bus. USAA is saying that they need to make sure that my daughter was not 1% at fault, meaning speeding perhaps. The officer estimated her speed at impact at around 40 mph and the speed limit is 55mph. She hit the drivers back tire of his Jeep Wrangler (small truck) causing him to rest in a small trench or ditch ion the side of the attempted driveway. The front penger side above the front tire and the front by the headlight is damaged on her car. She tried to avoid him, protect her younger sister (13) and avoid veering to much left in fear of hitting the school bus. My girls were terrified when I arrived 15 minutes after the accident. USAA stated that she may have had time to instanly stop, but she tried everything that she could do. In my opinion, she should have never been put into that situation. USAA is saying that points of contact are off, but my insurance agent said that she hit the back tire because a Jeep Wrangler is only 5 ft long and he was not towing a boat or driving a common sized vehicle. Plus the driver admitted to pushing down on the accelerator when he realized what was happening. I just need to have someones advice on this matter before hiring a lawyer. Thank you.

Do you understand what you are saying when you say a person can lose their salvation?

No, a Christian cannot lose salvation. Nothing can separate a Christian from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39). Nothing can remove a Christian from God’s hand (John 10:28-29). God is both willing and able to guarantee and maintain the salvation He has given us. Jude 24-25, “To Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”

America's Next Top Model help?

Can someone give me the addresses for all 8 seasons of America's Next Top Model. I wanna look through all the portfolios but when I go on the CW's website all I can find is cycle 8. Thanks

How to extend this method so that it can convert fractional decimal numbers into binary?

Binary numbers can only represent whole numbers (integers). The way to do it is Work out the binary number for 4689 then use another binary number to store how many places to move the decimal point. Computers use this method a bit like scientific notation 4.689x10^1 (Store 4689 and 1 together).

Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid reaction help :D?

The chemical reaction between Mg and HCl is called an exothermic reaction - this means it gives out heat. Consider (in a simple way) that the Mg ribbon is the fuel for the chemical "fire" that gives out the heat. Like all fires, the more fuel you add, the more heat you get out. So the more magnesium, the hotter the solution gets.

Help using a mirror powered microscope?

I have gotten a secondhand microscope that uses a mirror for a light source. I have been able to get good illumination from both a desklamp and natural light,but I cannot view the specimen. I have adjusted all of the focus points and moved the specimen around. I can see dust on the lens and plenty of light, but it is as if the specimen is invisible! What am I doing wrong?

TV in living room: do you think it is tacky?

I have a living room that is only about 15' X 12' and has little room left after the grand piano, a sofa, chair and coffee table. I have always been taught that a TV looks tacky in a LR. I would like to be able to hide it in an armoire, but there is not room for one. The only place to put it where it would be easy to watch would be a flat screen on the wall over the fireplace. Would like your opinion on that, or should I just have one in the bedroom only?

Where can i sell my rolex watch?

I need to sell my watch. I have Rolex Thunderbird Oyster Perpetual Datejust complete with box. Where can i sell it?

Whats up with her :(?

So theres this girl i REALLY like, shes gorgeous, me and her were sitting in the same area but not together she was with her friends and i was with my mine, i said something to my friend she heard and she commented back, we started making fun of each other, and her friend said you guys would make a perfect couple, we both didnt comment on it (i didnt comment cuz deep down i want her to be mine), she then really got into my face close enough to where our noses could almost touch, and then she walked away, and i called her a *****, she then said f*ck you or something, and i said sorry but she decided to leave the area and sit on a bench on the other side, i then went up to her and said Have a great weekend, she looked at me smiled, and as i was walking away, she asked me where i was going, and i said to go chill somewhere else, she then said something jerk-like well, you better get there fast, or something like that. Why would she ask me where i was going? and why wouldnt she reply to being my girl when her friend said that, do you think she just didnt want to say anything mean? BTW whenever she sees me in the hallway she'll slap me in the face, not hard or kick me in my "boys", shell also say ewww, or f*ck you when i walk by, and i usually ignore her.. this week though she ignores me, shes been leaving me alone, but when i try to talk to her, she'll say short answers, but when she walks to me she walks really close to me.. its really bothering me how shes ignoring me :(

What vertical market is blowing up more than any other right now?

Although we continue to get bombarded with negative messages in the media about economic woes, I have noticed a few market segments that continue to thrive. In your experience, what types of businesses do you see still flourishing?

What's this song called?!?

Some of the lyrics are like "you're beautiful just the way you are, so what if I stole from Bruno Mars.." and they keep repeating this one line, but I can't figure out what they're saying.. sorry that's all i know right now

Do I Have A Right to Be Mad?

Maybe she misunderstood what it was meant for. If you talk to her about it I am sure that she will understand and forgive you. Good luck.

What % of the UK now have access to the internet?

70% of UK household have access to internet in 2009. That is about 18.3 million households in UK. The region with the highest level of access is London - 80% and the lowest access is Scotland - 62%

Where can I find free sheet music to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by eithe Miley Cyrus or Cyndi Lauper?

I am planning on singing this song for an audition and I would really like the free printable sheet music thanks!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is Linkin Park emo. ..?

i'm not a fan of linkin park...but some of thier songs are pretty catchy and sounds i was wondering if they're emo like MCR...

PJ Harvey fans: What do you think of her debut album Dry?

I just picked it up the other day and think it's brilliant, as you can see by my avatar, hehe. Where does it rank among her other albums, in your opinion? What are your favorite songs from it?

I really like her but she has a boyfriend :( HELP!?

how long has this girl been with her bf? and whats there relationship like do they see each other often are they really close is it a good relationship? it could be a few things going on here, she may like you but love her boyfriend somegirls who have bf fancy other people and flirt with them but thats it or she may like you and want to end her relationship with her bf but is waiting for you to make a move or tell her how you feel or she may just feel comfertable with you you dnt seem like the kind of guy that trys it on with loads of girls and dnt just see girls as ual objects but friends so she could feel really at ease in your company. i would be very careful though as her bf could become jelous and jelousy is not a nice trait and it doesnt bring out the best in people. you have to think about that line therer is within a freindship of oppasite es that line is there for a reason some people can be friends and that is it nothing ual dnt want anything but friendship and nothing will happen and some people have the best friendship and cross that line once you cross it you cnt go back and it can ruin a once great friendship, so have a good think before you decide to blurt out your undying love for her its not just like she is single either. i dnt see why you cnt buy her a present though friends do that maybe give it to her when her bf not around though lol good luck

Should I confront this guy or not?

You don't deserve to let him hurt you anymore. Not to make this sound bad, but if he cheated on you, then he never really cared that much about you. You need some one to love and trust, and not some one who cheated on you. I mean, that would probably be stuck n the back in your mind for a long time. It's best to move on and loose all contact with him. He doesn't deserve to get the time of day from you. And you deserve better than that.

Atheists & Theists- What do you think of "Hilaryism"?

I personally practice "Tupacism" I believe that Tupac Shakur will resurrect, scream "WEST SIDE!" and guide us through armageddon.

Which of the following actions results in the shortest lag between recognition of a problem and an...........?

1. Automatic stabilizers kick into effect via the bureaucracy, without any additional need for action from any branch.

How long will it take for the cut on my horses' ankle to heal?

Our horse got some type of cut on his hind foot, still a mystery to us the nature of the cut. It was quite deep. We wrapped it for a couple weeks and now have just been spraying it with Vetricin and soaking it in Epsom Salt and Iodine to remove swelling. On the average, how long will it take to heal? Thanks

Will an 9 foot tall Avocado tree grow outdoors in Texas?

I live in the humid subtropical climate of North Texas and we do have freezes starting in mid to late November. Will this kill an Avocado tree? I have seen fig trees survive but they were much larger than this tree, and have some wax on the leaves. Please advise.

What's wrong with my car?

My car took and smelled a little smoky underneath it for a couple days but for some reason I was being retarted and ignored it. I drive a white isuzu trooper made in 2000. Ad tonight I was driving back and it sounded like it was skipping out between it's shift between 2nd and 3rd gear I think and it sounds bad. When I got out i looked under the car and it was smoking and it looked like it was coming out of the exhaust towards the motor... It seems like it would have to be a transmission problem though. Thanks for all the help everyone!

Parents: What do you think of the movie Happy Feet?

I haven't seen this movie, but I was able to look on and read about several concerns with the content (very similiar to the problems you have listed). I just wanted to let you know about this website (affiliated with Focus on the Family) so that you could check out a movie before taking your kids to decide whether you wanted to let your kids see it or not. I hope you find the website as helpful as I did.

I need to clear my body acne!!?

im going to the carribean in 2 and a half weeks and i have pretty severe acne all over my chest. ive been on accutane many times before and it worked wonders but i had to get off of it because it caused depression. ive tried every topical treatment out there. i just started using panoxyl 10 cleanser and i have been using clindamycin phosphate foam. im trying to get an appt for the isolaz treatments but their booked. any help please??

I know ive ask this before?

Codecs are the bits of program which interpret the file correctly. First you need to check your dvd writer doentation to see if it support the disks you are using. Second, it will need codecs added to whatever player program, but the burner should be able to supply its' own method to convert the film. If it is copyrighted there is protection against infringing the copyright built into the disk.I hope you did not just delete anything from Nero, you must NEVER do this to a program, you need to uninstall it. Deleting it only takes away the part you delete, it leaves a lot of the program on the machine and can make the machine unstable. It also means the uninstaller can no longer remove it correctly. Take a look for cdburnerxp (Google search for this).

Ovulation or not please help?

I'm 29 . I spotted for two days for my last period 10/06/09 so I guessing I shouldn't get another for 2 1/2 weeks. I was also blood tested on the 13th it was negative, But now weird things going on like I feel wet all the time, when I check my cervix it was high and slimmy ewww sorry for this part,( slimmy white clear ish stuff came out, also my hurt so bad, not my my . Also this morning when I wipe myself there was like if I sneeze clear stuff on it ewwww it was weird....... No I'm not itching or burning and no other color, but what I can't tell if I'm ovulating or is it normal.

Are Aliens or Angels trying to warn us here on earth?

i have heard many theories from doentaries and other people who have read somewhere about such. i heard from somewhere that there was an appearance on tv of a tape or somethink that withheld information that was not to be released to the public. it was a small doentary of how there are alien species (aliens might not always be green or silver with big eyes) but they looked much like us humans and were living among our planet, one lady lived next door to one of these alien beings and showed her a complete map of galaxies we'd not found etc and she showed na and im not sure what happened there on. but one thing i do remember was that they thought we were incredably unintellegent for blowing up neclear bombs in out own solar system and remind us how lucky we were to inhabit earth blah blah blah. thats all that i remember.

Do you consider the Pittsburgh Pirates or Cleveland Indians competitive MLB teams anymore.?

It's hard to see some of the team's best players dealt away for some minor leaguers as a Pittsburgh fan. It's been going on for far too long. However, I'm still willing to give Huntington a chance. His MO seems to be more about building the farm instead of selling it.

Questions about making alcohol at home?

that's basically a home made wine recipe. why the hell would you leave out the juice? wouldn't be any stronger if that's what you think; probably weaker, and it would taste like crap.

Help with Ares and antivirus...?

ok, i have avast antivirus installed on my laptop. when i first installed it and then installed Ares after that, it didnt stop me from downloading and saying it was a virus. but now all a sudden, its sayin that ares IS a virus or whatever. i dont understand cause ive used Ares for the past two days and nothing has popped up untill now, and i uninstalled Ares now and when i go to re install it, it wont let me cause avast antivirus stops the download. i have no clue why this is doing this now, cause ive never had any problems with Ares on any other computer, and the other computers didnt have antivirus and i was able to use Ares. I dont know if i should just remove the antivirus and then download Ares again?? my step dad and mom had me install the antivirus so i wouldnt get any viruses lol...just someone please help, its getting really aggravating. thanks.

Help with a relationship, please?

All right, here's the deal. I am a 16-year-old currently dating a 15-year-old and things have been going pretty well. For the record, I am not trying to get into her pants or anything like that, but I actually want an honest and mature relationship. Anyway, our homecoming dance was this past Saturday and, of course, I went with her. However, she told me she loved me. I know what love feels like and was in love for a year and a half with another girl (but that's a whole other story), and anyway, I know that this girl I am currently seeing is just infatuated with me, and that I do not truly love her. My predicament is that when she told me she loved me, I felt pressured and told her I loved her back. I really want things to go smoothly with this girl, so my question is if I should just keep on trucking and see if I do fall in love with her, tell her I do not really love her, or do something else. Thank you for any advice you can give me.

Have you ever felt numb (mentally)?

Ive had naturally relaxes you and seems to be your personal vice and with the variety out there, Pink Floyd being your choice, is what you chose to confide in and i would recommend keep doing it. If your depression reaches a dangerous level though, please talk to someone, i know I sound like a broken record probably but seriously, ive been there, i cant think of anyone who hasnt and if you need anyone to talk to, even me, theres plenty of people out there. Keep with your music and maybe you would like to follow that as a career? Producer, artist, label? Best of luck to you and God Bless.

When you say God lives in your heart, you are being symbolic (heart pumps blood), so what is the REAL meaning?

of "God lives in my heart." How can you tell your religious experience apart from the others, and why are theirs invalid? Clearly, God would have to live in your brain, since that's where your feelings are produced.

How to find local pharmacies/corporations to test drugs for pay?

You want to take part in "paid clinical trials" You can do a search for that phrase to see what is available near you. I did a quick search and found a website you can look at, but I have no idea if it is legit. Good luck. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Women...Is this normal? Only women would know the answer.?

I've been dating a girl for 6 months...we are happy together, but she just started pill, got sick whith bronchitis, takes cles and is having some women issues...she stressed to the max and says "everything is wrong" and I'm trying to be as loving and supportive as possible...always helping her with things, telling her she's beautuful, etc. i love her more than anything, and even though she's says "believe me, nothing is wrong with u", i can't help but think their is cause it's so new and maybe have some insecurities. Is this normal for girls to act when stressed, sick or starting the pill? Thanks

Do I confront him or just move on? (please read, need help)?

He ain't worth communicating with. The situation sucks, but just move on. Sucks, but you'll be fine with a little time.

Would America be better if we followed George Washington's farewell address?

Would America be better if we followed George Washington's farewell address? He stated that America should stay neutral and not make foreign alliances, advised not to make party systems, and much more. Would America be better or worse?

I have a boiler in my attic that just heats the water for my bath and shower - the hot water has stopped.?

Possibly loss of electric mains supply to your attic boiler, such as through an electric fuse failing or circuit breaker tripping. Your first check therefore needs to be to the mains input to see if there is a voltage present there or not. If you measure it between terminals and find there is a voltage then problem is inside boiler circuitry, and may be mechanical or electrical.

Microsoft Office Word 2003 Brochure Question?

I'm making a brochure in microsoft office word 2003. I am finished with certain panels of the brochure, and I want to "set" them to where they cannot be changed, because while working on the other panels, word keeps on moving things around in the panels that I already have done. How do I do this?

I'm only 15.. What do I do?

Okay. I did something that I wish I never did. I was drunk, and stupid. Well, one night me and my boyfriend, Alex (we have been for about 8 months now..) were hanging out at his house, and his parents weren't home. We were just sitting in his living room watching TV when his friend Mathew called. Matt said he was gonna come over with a few other people to hang out with us. Well, we didn't think anything of it so we just said okay. When Matt came he brought a lot of beer with him, and stuff like that. And of course, stupid me, drank ALOT. And.. well.. we did it. But I didn't plan it at all! :( A few weeks after it I took a pregnancy test because I was worried about what would happen. And of course, the worse happened. It was positive. The first thing I did was tell Alex. He surprisingly took it well. We are just worried about what will happen. Because my cousin, Jess, got pregnant at 16 to a guy she barely knew and my parents are really over-protective about that happening to me. And it did. Except to the guy I barely knew part. So, I really don't know how to tell them. I'm a month and a half along. And I'm also afraid that my parents won't let me keep the baby either.. And I would keep it. No matter what they say. I would NEVER get an abortion. And Alex is 17-going on 18 so he has a part time job at this mechanic that his uncle knows.. And I mean, it's pretty good money but it would never be enough to support a baby. And I could probably go into my savings to try but I'm still not sure if that's enough.. So, how do I tell my parents? Please help. And also, me and Alex have already talked about names for the baby. I know, it's soon.. But still. We like the names, Carson James, Ryder Phillip, Garrett Carter, and Dylan John for a boy. And for a girl, Caylee Marie, Alii Daniella, Tori Jade (Jade, after my aunt that died of cancer), Harleea Mary, and Breanna Renee for a girl. What do you think? And you can come up with others that you like. :) We could use all the help we could get.. THANKYOU! :)

What can i put in my 25 gallon fish tank?

angels eat neon tetras, but people say that its fine, (Didnt work out with me) you can get many different type of other fish like... livebearers...mollies guppies platies swortails tetras... glowlights, black neon, neons, white skirt, black skirt, fruit tetras, red eye tetras, cardinals(look alot like neons) congo tetras( tend to be hard to find at most pet stores) botom feeders, ghost shrimp (easy to get) algae eaters, corydoras, snails(apple, mystery easy to get)... different speceis, gouramis, just be careful with livebearers because they tend to have alot of babies, good luck!

Would this be funny?

If hillary and fellow democrats legally turned America into a dictatorship Nazi style and we would all be under hillary's command?

Good games for xbox360,ps3,mac?

ive been through red dead, la noire, all sports, mortal kombat, all call of dutys, all halos, both gears', both fallouts, oblivion, all AC's, bulletstorm, NFS's, all GTA's, both L4D's, Both dead spaces, C&C 3, all Fables, Mafia II, both ME's, deadrising 1, all Splinter Cells, all RSV's, Perfect Dark, both Crackdown's, both Just Cause's, Merc's 1 and 2, all Forzas, both AoT's, Borderlands, OrangeBox, all RE's, Brutal Legend, Red Faction Guerilla, both Saints Row's, Prototype, both Lost Planet's, all Burnout's, all BF's, UFC, both GodFather, Pure, Stranglehold, Kane and Lynch: DeadMen, Banjo Kazooie: N n B, LOTR Conquest and BFME II, Street fighter iv, MK vs DC, both skate's, Unreal Tourney 3, Bourne Conspiracy, Bioshock 1, Viking, DOA 4, Dynasty Warriors 5, MOH Airborne, Ace Combat 6, both Fear's, Crash Bandicoot: Crash of the Titans, TC's Graw, Marvel Ult. Alliance, Fusion Frenzy 2, TH P8, Hitman Blood Money, Prey, Test Drive Unlimited, Moto GP, Full Auto 1, EA Sports FN 3, Amped 3, ** Any others than those hahaa **

How many terrorists has 0bama liberated from Club Gitmo?

0, Zero, None, Zip, Ziltch, Nada, صفر, ṣifr, शून्य because they are still TERRORISTS, and Obama knows it, and doesn't care. He loves Islamic whacko's, not civilized American citizens. He is a Muslim plant.

What is the deal with those cute little trucks in Bangkok ?

What trucks? The Tuk Tuks? They are three-wheeled taxis. Not a Thai creation. You'll find them in India and even in Europe way back into the past.

On the website ASTRO.COM can you select a chart that shows lines from transits to natal aspects 2 chart?

It's not possible. However, you can view the aspect table by clicking "view data" un upper left area of chart. Hope this helps some.

Re- decorating my room!! IDEAS!! girly teen!!! 10 pt :]?

k, the lime green is a great colour, but the comforter doesnt match it. rooms look better when they match. My room is blue with lime green, and i needed a green comforter, but i really like mine, so what i did was just buy a cheap and fairly thiin lime green blanket to cover, and make the bed match well with the room. I think a good colour to go with the walls would be white, especially if the bookshelf is white. Get a white blanket to go over the bed, and maybe some green and white pillows to go with it. Depending on where the door is, the bed should go in the middle of one of the long walls or the straight one at the bottom. Get some other white furniture to match, and some green accesories like a lamp, mirror etc. The white will make the room look really fresh and bright. Dont really know of any crafts, but you could get some of those big letters u get at craft stores, and write something like peace, friends, love, ur name etc. and another thing is u coul paint some pictures that represent u on white paper or arstists canv to match the room. it doesnt matter if u cant draw too well either cuz u can just draw simple things like smily faces or lips or something

Rank my fantasy baseball team?

ew, 2 catchers? i understand mauer and martinez are two of the best at their oposition, but in order to draft both you probably ped on some great players. i would have taken victor, and taken another first baseman later instead of mauer, like garrett atkins or carlos pena. other than that you have a great all aroudn team wiht power, speed, average, and your pitching is really good outside of guthrie and bailey. see if you can sign brandon lyon, since he is closing for the diamondbacks and isnt owned in about 96% of yahoo leagues. i give it a 9/10 pending on michael young and dan uggla's production. if they do good, i give it a 10/10

Is there a light at the end of this tunnel?

Don't give up hope. My father was out of work for 3 years because of a work accident that completely limited his use of his right arm. Workman's comp did not go through and he lost 3 houses, his life savings, and his ebay business. No doctor wanted to help because of his workman's comp lawsuit. His wife can't hold a steady job for the life of her and they almost were on the streets. Luckily, he has amazing credit and was able to manipulate his credit cards right and his injury repaired itself on its own. Now he's got a house, a job, a business on the side and nice cars, a boat, and an rv. his last purchases were a pool table and a 73 inch plasma. So don't give up, things will always get ugly before they get better. Find low income housing. Try working at home. They have telemarketing jobs you can do from home. Find someone who's good at resumes and construct a very competitive one for your career interest. Show everyone you can do it, because i think that if you truely want it then you can totally make your way through all this. Sign up for food stamps. Find a support group, or build a support system of loved ones around you. I wish you the best of luck

Monday, August 15, 2011

Does anyone here happen to own a pet cheetah?

how is their temperment, how easy are they to train, how did you get it, how much did it cost you, and what do you feed it


I've heard people talking about that for quite some time now, that he really is gay. That's really sad.

Will Obama pardon G. Dub the civilian ?

With talks about the Gitmo fiasco and WMD's not present in Iraq and the nonexisting bidding for the rebuilding monies given to Chaney and his Co. etc. Does he have the ability to forgive ?

Amateur boxing fights?

im in Georgia and need to find a website or a list of places to fight amateur fights at? i have no gym close by but i do train like i go to a gym. i have a small area that i have a heavy bag, upercutbag, doubleendbag, speedbag, gloves, mouthpiece, jump rope, and about to get maze ball. and weight set[bench and weights] and a par of punching mitts. and i run so i train just like i go to the gym. 10 points to the best.

Leeds festival early bird! please help!!?

I live near temple newsam and the normal run from the motorway through crossgates and up to the a64 will be closed so make sure you go up the motorway and come off nearer to the festival. in p year the most traffic has been on the thursday so hopefully you should be ok.

Need Serious Help with BF?

I think you should go for it. You never know what is going to happen. Be willing to take a risk and see what happens. If you don't are you willing to wonder what if?

Car will turn over but it sparks idk what the problem is now..?

Okay at first i had to change my distributor on my 93 Ford Probe GT cause apparently the control module had gone bad. but i changed it.... went to jump my car and put the cables on backwards(yes i know it's stupid and yes i know how they go black always on negative but i wasn't paying attention) So I tried starting my car after i properly charged the battery... and it started smoking.. wires did. and there was really big sparks coming from my the ground where my battery cable is connected to the fuse box. seems as if theres a short or something... it did blow the main fuse and ignition relay when i switched the cables around.. i did replace those.... so i'm thinking that there is to much electrical current traveling through the wires making the hot and causing the smoke? i'm no good with electrics but i know cars. Before i replaced the distributor it wouldn't turn over at all... but now it will after i replaced it so i expected it to start but i did this. idk what i did but i need to know what you mechanics think.

How would you describe my style?

I wear brands like american apparel , polo , some hollister , urban outfitters , pacsun. I have a nose hoop and i use to have a nose stud. i listen to As Cities Burn , Oceana , Lydia , The follow through , nevershoutnever , lower definition , this providence , the sand in your shoes, cady groves , chew lips , and stephen jerzak. I dislike the whole emo or scene style, like hot topic , black nail polish , converse. music i dont like is bring me the horizon , lady gaga , justin bieber , bless the fall and korn.

Jonas brothers new song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

OMG i know!! that is so sad that he wrote a song about his diabetes!! but it's so cute!! that's why i ♥ them!! ♥

Does this look good for..?

Black pants since you are wearing all that stuff.. And then the rest looks good for an interview. And yes if it was bad weather than you could wear that jacket but if it is good weather try not to wear a big jacket.

Could you help me fix this sentence in my essay Thanks!?

This fact illuminates the significance of the Bible and it is no surprise that many other works of literature often reference it, in particular William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying (1942).

How much would three autographed Chicago Bulls jerseys sell for from the 1998 NBA finals?

I have three official NBA jerseys signed by Michael Jordan, Dennis Rodman, and Scottie Pippen. They are all framed and in absolute perfect condition. They where all signed at the June 14th, 1998 NBA final game against the Utah Jazz. This was the most watched NBA final game in history. How much could I potentially sell these for guys. I'm practically broke I feel horrible letting these go but I need to pay the rent.

. A fair coin is flipped, and it is noted whether heads or tails is showing. A fair die is tossed, and the num?

. A fair coin is flipped, and it is noted whether heads or tails is showing. A fair die is tossed, and the number on the top face is noted. What is the probability of the event ``heads shows on the coin and an even number on the die.''

Have you experienced more.....?

I am not talking about racism from other races but racism fromyour own races. Ex: high cl whites and lower cl whited, light skin black and dark skin black, light skin Puerto rican and dark skin Puerto ricans, or even Like Mexican or any other hispanic against another hispanic. I have from my own family, my mothers family have some french in them but my mom got together with my dad and made me( a well tanned person, I am not fair skinned but I am not that dark either I am somewhere in the middle) and I was born with dark eyes and dark hair unlike the rest of my mothers family, and I was never accepted. I also felt prejudice from My own race in school, Because I dressed like a 'stoner" instead of hip hop clothes and becasue I listened to heavy metal and all kinds of music( I really listen to all kinds of music everything from the Dixie chicks to Faith hill to aerosmith to sevendust to disturbed to korn to Fat joe and so on and so forth) instead of just listening to spanish music

Just out of curiousity??? Do you give people that you have blocked a thumbs downs when you see them?

I don't have anyone blocked except for Kat because shes a Meany hee hee just joking I never thumbs down anyone I don't go to a negative level

Is this a racist comment?

He never said anything more? In that case, i'm sorry to say, he does seem to have an unfortunate issue with your heritage. I wouldn't worry about that too much because he is just one person whose opinion is not worth a thing. His loss. Ignore him and move on because there are plenty more fish in the ocean.

I got a problem with my girlfriend ?

lol.. " maybe she's retarded" in the sense that she proberly dont even kno what she's doin like she's tryna get away from u.. because its not as if she's never kissed b4 s its not the nerves or anything.. i duno talk 2 her ask her y.. if she dose not give u reasonable answer then dump her.. coz basically thats what she's waiting for. all the best

What is the most diverse and intuitive Special Operations division of any military structure, and what course?

I am looking into the option of joining the military for my future, and if I did this, I would want to be the best I can be, and achieve as much as I can possibly achieve. If I were to join any branch of the military, I would want to be part of it's Elite, and I would like some advice from you on how to achieve this. Any information you can give would be of great help, especially if you are or are affiliated with a current or past Operative of any branch. I would like to know: What the requirements are, what branch and programs will offer me the most out of my experience, what I should do to prepare in anticipation for this, how I should make myself what they are looking for, and the traits of the job i.e. what they will expect out of me, and what I should learn to get these traits.

Hi I wanted to know where to get Free Thailand travel brochures/guides/maps mailed to me.?

I am going to Thailand next year and would like to start planning now, the only free guides, brochures I have found are online and I have 2 year old twins, I cant spend too much time at the computer trying to decided whether it is an ad or a guide lol any help is deeply appreciated!

Why do Republicans oppose Obama on offshore drilling?

Who would stand to gain from the offshore drilling, other than Americans, mostly Republicans. It would help if gas would come down to less than 2.00$ a gallon, then when they repeal NAFTA that slick sick Willie established, and our jobs came home, we could afford to go to work. The elected do not realize, with their big pay checks how just a few dollars more in cost, hurt the working man.

Can you make me an outfit!! please easy 10 pts.?

i love skinny jeans thts the only jeans i where i love lhollister abercrombie ae ect. my shoe style is like puma dc kinda whtever um i like hoodies actually i love hoodies i wear them everywhere so send me your outfits easy 10 points

I am tiling a hearth for our new fireplace. What grout and adhesive can withstand the heat?

Or will anything do? I dont want tiles popping off or cracks appearing. Products available in Australia would be helpful too! Thanks.

Okay what does it mean when a guy stares at me all the time? ?

So theres this guy at skol nd every time i turn around he's always looking/staring at me nd this has been going on for lke a couple months now wat should i do? HELP

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What rifle should i get?

I would take a hard look at the 03' springfields, 30-40 craig, brittish enfields, maybe an m1 carbine to go on the wall if in good shape. Mosin nagants wouldn't be bad, but accuracy isn't weighing it down at all, very poor.

Do Zen Buddhists have a different concept of enlightenment?

Zen Buddhism seems different from other sects of Buddhism, and their concept of what enlightenment is seems totally different as well. What do you think?

I dream of big fishes? Meaning?

This may seem mean and I really mean it in a nice way. Have you been lying? like fish stories or tall tales. If so it may be your self conscious fearing of getting caught in a lie or a claim. the fish is the lie/story and you falling in is being caught in the lie. Once again I don't know you you may be the most honest person alive (or dead) so I can't tell if this would make sense.

What is the molarity CaCl2 in the following....?

Bone was dissolved in hydrochloric acid, giving 46.0 mL of solution containing calcium chloride, CaCl2. To precipitate the calcium ion from the resulting solution, an excess of potium oxalate was added. The precipitate of calcium oxalate, CaC2O4, weighed 1.437 g. What was the molarity of CaCl2 in the solution?

Not sure about this horse?

So Iam horse shopping! And im looking for a hunter. My instructor has this horse that she thinks will be a perfect match for me. But hes kinda intimidating! Hes a chestnut warmblood and thoroughbred mix. He is 17.2hh tall and Im use to riding 15.1hh tall. But he could take me from 2ft.6 to the derbies and maybe just maybe.(Maclay I hope). But he is a wee bit green. And when he has his bad days he is fricken scary! Hes broken his owners leg and cracked someones rib! But he seems really awesome and fun! What do you guys think? I think I should just tray riding him and see how it goes. Because hes already boarded at my barn right now so it wouldnt be that hard to try him out.

Running Backs Week 7 - Pick 2 Please:?

Brian Leonard and Brandon Jacobs. Really, as long as he's healthy Brandon Jacobs should start every week. Steven Jackson is out another week so that means Brian Leonard will get another game as featured back. Bulger is back so that should loosen things up for him in the running and ping game. Kevin Faulk is a possibility but you never know with New England. If Maroney is out then perhaps him over Leonard but I think Maroney will play. Plus, Faulk really isn't a featured back kind of guy. If Maroney sits they'll just mix in that Eckel guy and Heath Evans along with Faulk. I don't think Michael Bennett is an option just yet. He just got traded and I doubt he plays that much early on. Wait a week or so on him before considering him.

Poll: Which Do You Like Out Of These?

I like California gurls because it was an inside joke me and my friends had(boy,girl) it was a year ago and i barely remember it! XD lol i also like drop it like its hot because its the song that's on my favorite commercial "sun drop pop"

Wouldn't it be cool if Kid's shows taught them Heavy Metal instead of the corporate Pop crap?

I take that back, on Duck Dodgers, they did a thing with Dave Mustaine, if you can call that a Kid Show, it's more of a cartoon.

Have you noticed any climate changes in your area of the globe ?

Climate changes over time naturally. It's been happening for billions of years and there's no reason for it to stop now. Oregon used to get more snow in the winter, but they explained that as climate cycles long before Gore came up with his global warming hoax.

Is thawed beer still good....?

i had it in a cooler with ice and it wasn't frozen, just very cold. i took them out and left them out in room temperature. If i put them back in the fridge will they still be good?

Should muslims have to give back all the land theyve stolen over the centuries?

These lands would include Babylon (Iraq), Persia (Iran), Afganistan, Egypt, North Africa, parts of south western asia, Cannan (Israel), Syria (Israel), and Turkey. Also, Pakistan would have to be given back to India.

Do you feel we as a people are moving backwards when it come to equal rights?

that ha shappened with the election of obama all rights world wide are now moving backwards he is a scourge on humanity

The story of Beowulf...anyone into this kind of stuff?

That's a tough ignment and I'm not going to do it for you but I will give a little push, these kinds of ignments are designed to test your knowledge of such things metaphors, kenning etc you should study up on these terms extensively then you should go back and read Beowulf extensively look at the style in which it is written and compose your bit of epic verse in a similar fashion this will be a great way to start.

If Mr. Kennedy leaves WWE would he be a good fit with TNA?

His contract is almost up, if wwe dont keep him would he go to tnz, and fued with booker t or angle?

I have a problem and it might actually matter right now?

I must confess, I didn't read this entire thing. But from what I did read, I have to say, you seem to generalize a fair bit. Not all men are the same, with the same values. If your heart is not in this pending marriage, by all means, don't go through with it. And last but not least, you could be a ? I don't mean to offend. Good luck with that.

Is something wrong with me?

i've only had 2 boyfriends in my life and they're not even where i live!! my friends, (to be honost) are not very pretty. im only being mean because noo one knows who i am. im not actually THIS mean when it comes to my friends. but anyway, they get all the guys! i dont get it. i havent even KISSED a guy before!... its depressing. :*( my friends tell me i should be a model, they tell me that i am so beautiful *blah blah blah* people have actually come up to me and told me i am beautiful!.. its crazy! despite all this, guys want nothing to do with me! when they hear a joke involving going out with me they act like they're about to gag! WTF?!?!??! they very few that MIGHT be interested in me all they want to do is flirt (barely)! i live a little town. it feels like no one wants me. NO ONE... :( i am a really nice person, im not conceited AT ALL. the beautiful thing was just what people say about me. im friends with everyone. i have a bunch of friends *half guys half girls* btw, heres a little story... my friend *angela* is a , she has had with guys over the age limit. and shes only 14 years old. she does drugs, drinks. not daily. but she'll do it if its there. she stinks. her hair is always greecy!.. but despite all this ALL the guys are going out with her!!! and IM NOT EVEN A SECOND CHOICE!!!!! someone explain to me what im doing wrong. is something wrong with me? i dont get this!!

Will I win or lose this trademark legal battle?

I visited your site and the plaintiff's site. You may win under the rules, depending on whether the other party is a legitimate business, or just domain seating. The actual trademark issue will depend on when it was put into actual commerce by the opposing parties and other facts. To win you must hire a local trademark/copyright attorney who has experience, and be prepared to pay some major $$ defending it. You should also talk with your attorney about securing international trademarks, and additional copyright and/or service mark protection for the image. Many people do not know that you can have both a trademark and a copyright on the same item. You will definitely lose if you quit.

Ex bankrupt needs business insurance?

i was bankrupt from 2001 to 2003 and have now been fully discharged. since then i have built up to very good companys and i now own a number of properties but im finding it difficult to get business insurance for my warehouse. CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP!! i want to pay for the insurance up front so no credit agreements are required. Midlands UK

Where to snowboard NY?

I Want to go snowboard with my friend this week/weekend. Can someone tell me where we can go in NY? I was only in Killington but this si to far for now.

Encryption File Extension help?

I had a computer in which I backed up. I had an Encryption software. It was a freeware, and it leaves the program with file extensions such as ffs7, fse, ffse, ffs6 and a few others. They were important doents that I didn't want anyone to see. Looking through the files these file extensions are false extensions for people that steal the files. I don't know WHAT the Encryption software is. All i know about it is that it was freeware, You create a encryption key however long you want it to be. You had the options of Full Encryption and other choices where you can encrypt the individual files in a folder and encrypt anything you want to. Any file. I really need these doents. Do you know of any software that fits this description? or any way I can access them w/out the encryption software? or If I get the encryption software, will I be able to use the key I set for the files to decrypt the files?

Why do people complain about long....?

People are just lazy nowadays. I'm guessing you have noticed that this happens on yahoo answers too, there are answers that say "Too Long" or "Make it Shorter". Seriously? They just need to just stay on Polls and Surveys where the questions are short and just for fun instead of going to the other categories and expecting people to make their problems shorter just for them and their laziness. Sort of like the "Google It" or "IDK, I just wanted points" answers. But back to the book reviews, I would say it is sort of selfish in a way too. I mean they want, an author to shorten what they want to put in THEIR story, basically shorten the creativity. I guess I am over-yzing this but it is just my opinion.

Who knows where to find pics of Cindy McCain as a USC Cheerleader - 10 pts!?

She attended USC from 1972-76. She was a cheerleader/song girl. You football guys know that SC has the absolute HOTTEST cheerleaders. There has to be a picture of her out there SOMEWHERE! Gimme a link and I'll give you 10 pts asap!

Christmas eve lunch in Leeds?

Where can I go for a nice Christmas Eve lunch in Leeds with my boyfriend at this short notice, not too bothered about the cost, just want to find a place that'll fit us in!

What should my friend do?

Mandy and James have been together for about 2years, and things are rocky, they haven't seen each d other or talked in over a mouth. and when they do to talk he is always saying thing like i don't know what you been doing but i know what i have been doing. its her 1st boyfriend and she lost her v-card to him, i know saying bye to him is going to hard. LADIES IF YOU WAS HER WHAT WOULD YOU DO!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What's the story behind Syracuse University's Saltine Warrior competition?

I researched this competition that allowed one student to create the sculpture of SU's former mascot, but couldn't get much other detail.. I'm writing a research paper regarding the matter and am having a difficult time.. anyone have anymore details?

Continueing my question about syria?

i know about the marriage procedure yes i live in the united states in florida.i know that the syrian emby does not require the round trip ticket or funds but the airport doesn and since i did not have the roundtrip ticket they did not allow me on the plane.i had my syrian visa.but now i will need to get i know i need the roundtrip ticket but no one will tell me how much funds is need lets say i stay one month is 1000 good for the sunefficent fundsi need to know the minuim amount thats all.i will be staying with hius family and all so thats no problem and when i call the syrian emby they not require this but the airline how much would be reasonable to show for funds? 1000?please find out if you can thanks.

I want to make a bbq smoker, but how? what? how much?

I want to make a smoker but how much will it cost to make one on a trailer. How exactly do they work what do i need to know? I can do all the fab and welding. Is it a good idea to use a propane tank or not.

Where do you fit into the candidates' tax plans?

McCain because I make more than $250,000, but I'm still voting for Obama because i put Country First.

Do you guys know any websites that have printable music sheets for flutes?

I`m bored so I was wondering if their were any ebsites to print out fun music sheets for the flute. Please help! I am bored!

A weight-loss paradox?

OK. If you can burn 1,000 calories every hour walking up stairs, and you do this for about 3 and a half hours a day, you're losing 3500 calories per day. 3500 calories makes a pound. So, if you walk up the stairs for 3.5 hours every day, can you lose 30 pounds in a month by walking up stairs for 30 days?

Co-sleeping and nursing?

My 5mth old has never slept in her own bed, since the day she was born she will only sleep while nursing. She refuses a pacifier, and wakes the moment I take her off. So all night every night she sleeps tucked up against me nursing! I really want to break this habit before it gets completely out of control! Help!!!

Help me with this boy !?

alright well there is this boy and yeah we hung out like over the vacation and we were flirting alott... and things happened .. alot of people knew that i liked him cause he is a senior in the school and i wnted to go to prom with him,,, so everyone knewe i liked him and once they found out that we had hung out they all sent me texts and like messages and comments to find out what happen and i didnt comment them back... he commented me and was like wow you guys are gay.. and he didnt say lol or anything i dont know if he meant it to me or something like that i am gay but i didnt tell anyone he that is one part i dont know how to take the way he sent that.. and then all the time he walks me to cl and we just talk on aim and things like that but i dont know if he likes me and i really wnat to go to prom with him. but i dont know how or what to do please help me with this whole thing he is so confussing!

I can unfocus/focus my eye sight.?

when making the pushing feeling, do you start to see double or is it just blurry? Both of these are normal. Second, I can also pick up any type of gles and be able to see clearly by "focusing my eye." It's normal. And I don't know about the last one, though I'd think it's normal.

Life insurance question. I am half of a partnership and...?

You have none. Once you sign off permission, which you did, it's irrevocable. You can't change your mind later, even if you're suing him.

So I got asked to Sadies...?

Ok. So I got asked to Sadies by this girl I really like. And it has come to my understanding that you need matching outfits. So over the weekend, we went to the mall and got these Kermit the Frog t-shirts at Spencer's. But some girl told me you need to look "presentable". So I was thinking, would it look nice with a cardigan over it? If so, where can we get cardigans for a girl and a guy? The shirt is all green with Kermits face on it. If not, whats a nice outfit? Thanks!

This question is for greeks and more importantly greek citizens..?

This question is for greek citizens.. My mother is 25% greek my great great grandparent were born in greece there fethers fought for greek independance against the Ottomans. I have there ellis island tickets and there names.. Myself i guess you consider me 12.5 % greek.. its not much but i wanna apply for greek citizenship and return to the motherland. I do not speak greek, although my grandma was baptized in the greek church, she is dieing and im wondering would i be elgible for greek citizenship? Would i be looked down upon in greece for being 'mixed'. One more question i am Gay, is that huge issue over there. I understand i dont speak greek but i can learn and with my mother sick and my grandmother dieing ive decided to regrow ties to the land the tal about so much and the nationality they identify with. My father is of german and english descant, and my papu married an irish/english women and than i have swedish form my moms dad. Would someone give me insight if this might be a lost cuase or maybe i have hope on getting anywhere with the greek government?

Who to start Week five QB?

SHould I start Trent Edwards or should I drop him and pick up Cel or Sanchez. I have Brees on bye. Thanks.

Frozen bananas with Nutella or regular chocolate?

I would say to melt down the hershey dark chocolate. I am not too sure if nutella would freeze and harden nicely, but seeing as Hershey's is already in solid form, it will definitely go back to that when it cools down. Hoope that helps! :)

Which bus will i take from Martingrove and Finch Etobicoke, to go to Kennedy Road Brampton?

Take TTC route 36B west to Humber College. Take Brampton Transit route 11 to Steeles and Kennedy. You didn't say where on Kennedy Rd you are going, so you may have to transfer to another bus (BT route 7 serves Kennedy Rd). To go back, just reverse these directions.

This is the Mexican National Anthem translated into English, whats your sentiment on it?

the American anthem sounds better. you should post this in the mexican sight. this is America, not mexico.

If I ingested a live ant or two by accident, would it have an affect on me ?

Serious answers only please, I know they give off such an odor when you start killing them so I was wondering if I injested any ants if that might be making me feel sick. I know it is stupid, you don't need to remind me :)

Why do I get so many Zits? Any products?

hello, I'm 11 years old and my name is Angelica. Latley, since i turned 10, ive been getting ALOT of zits. I guess it's probably because i've started my period already.Anyways, I usually start to get them between my eyebrows, my nose, my chin, and my cheeks...(well, thats pretty alover the i want to use somthing that will clear up my face like POW! cuz ill be going to school in 2 weeks and last time i went to school with zits on me, people and even my friends made fun of me :( sooo thats why i need something PRONTO. I used to use st.Ives apricot scrub, but now, i'm allergic to it. I use the neutrogena soap bar, but that only dries it and redens will work thats effectiv? im thinking of using the neautrogena wave, or proactive but if i stop using it..ill just get more! I NEED HELP! im thinking of ging to a dermatoligist but....i dont know it the appointment will be before i go 2 school....HELP ME!

6 month old aggresive pup.?

I'm not sure but being stern is always good. You might have to just show him whos boss. Should get him fixed too. That will help. If he is fixed; maybe get some proffessional training.

OLTL question!!!!!! :)))?

how come fish,kyle and sky havent been on the show in like 4 months??? anyways i cant believe jess and nat are both prego. cya oltl fans :)

Why does America think Casey Abrams is 'y' ?

I am absolutely infatuated with Casey! I have been since the first time I saw him on there, I have no idea why. I guess it's his personality, talent, and humor that gets me. Oh yeah, and his beard. I like beards, they're pretty y. (:

Most hilarious scene from a Christmas movie..?

There are several from the Lampoons Christmas Vacation movie: When Clark goes to cut the turkey and it explodes like... When they are eating the jello and it tastes very strange... When the squirrel is running through the house and the dog is trying to get it.... Way tooo funny.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Should the NFL suspend players for things they have not been found guilty of?

The NFL is a company and like all companies, P & L is based on largely on perception. If someone is harming that perception by putting themselves in situations that you have asked that player in the past not to put themselves in than you have the right to take actions that will help to put the perception of that league back on track. Ben shouldn't be with college students in sleazy bar bathrooms and more importantly he shouldn't have guards telling people they weren't allowed to go back there.

Is Steve Nash overrated?

2 MVP's and is 2nd all time in FT% is not overrated. CP# is better because he has better teammates and is younger. Nash has a better work ethic than Paul. CP3 better. Nash, not overrated

What is the best way to fix lace knitted items?

Hello, I am beginning my second lace project. It is a tote bag with weight 4 cotton yarn. From my experience with my first project, whenever I would mess up, I would have to rip everything. I know how to drop a stitch at the column of a messed up stitch and then use a crochet hook to get everything back on the needle but with lace patterns, I don't see how I can do this since the loops are much more complicated, i.e. yarn overs and knit 2 together. Am I correct in thinking that I need to rip it out instead of dropping the stitch at a column and working my way down?

How does card counting help in blackjack?

well i learned how to use the hi-lo system but what does the running total mean? like if the count is plus 5 or negative 2 how does that help in the player winning?

Plzz ppl help me , i despratly need help?

i have 14 and i'm 55 kgs and i have more weight in my thighs plzz advise me abt new excersize's which might do wonder's plz plz plz

I need guidance on how to run a whole LLC by myself.?

I created a LLC. My business is Online Services (subscriptions, sales, advertisement). I need some guidance on Books, Articles, Web Sites or any kind of information sources on how to run properly a LLC from "ground to heaven". I am a software developer, so i have skills on the software fields. I guess i would have to learn some accounting, have a background on legal issues (i actually found a website where they sell all you need as contracts, agreements). This is kind of experimental to me. If the business grows, i am sure i am gonna need personal and that's ok. But right now, i want to be able to run everything by myself. Let's put it down like a Training Opportunity. QUESTION. Could you provide me with guidance on finding material that would help me to achieve this? Thank you.

Am I alone in my opinion about male ballet dancers?

That male ballet dancers, although seemingly are also entertaining and good for a giggle, especially when they do those leaps and their hoo hoos bounce.

What feedback would you give my poem?

Aaah...fifteen and writing this? I wouldn't worry about a career in poetry and literature, my dear. It is bound to happen.

How can I get xp back on my laptop?

I have a Advent 7096 laptop, it was given to me by my father in law as he has got a new one. When he got his new laptop he put the windows vista os onto this laptop (originally xp). Doing this has made the Advent really really slow as vista is taking all the memory up and I just dont think it can handle it. Can I just download a boot cd from a torrent? I have the laptops xp original product code. Any ideas?

Childbirth pain?

Contractions are horrible cramps. I don't fully understand #2, I had way more than 10 contractions if that's what you mean. Epidural, greatest thing in the medical world!!! I think you have to be 4 cm as well, the only think that sucks with an epidural, if your not laying right, the medication will pool in one area (my right cheek) I'm not kidding, the pain kept coming back so they had to keep telling me to change positions and sticking pillows under my . Then after an argument with the nurse, she took my epidural emergency on away (grrr!). Luckily that meanie ended her shift and a nice nurse gave me my on back. You don't feel pain when the baby is coming down, just a lot of pressure, it feels like your going to have a bowel movement but when the head actually comes out you can feel a burning sensation (called the "ring of fire"). Even an epidural couldn't mask that part and that was with both of my children. Best of luck!!!

My solution to society's woes is simple: dissolve governments and highlight consumer-business relationship?

If I want to keep my family safe, I pay money to a group of people who does policing work. If I demand compensation for contract violations, I pay money to a group of people doing arbitration work and can subsequently help retrieve money owed to me. Let the market work freely. But this is different from traditional capitalism. This is ethical capitalism. I will not give money to hooligans to do policing work. Even if they are the most effective and efficient around. I will not give money to cheap corruptible kangaroo courts because I would not want them to screw others up. But why would I bother being this moral? Because I've given money to philosophers.

What speed should a 13 year olds boy run at?

I'm a 13 year old lad, my Body fat is 1.6% and i run 2.1 miles in 17mins. But how fast should a 13 year old boy run? Any ideas cos i would like to be a professional runner and need to know how much to practice. I also am trying out for an athletics club.

Calculating Kc from Equilibrium Data?

no you did it right. it is asking for the Kc at that 807 centigrade temperature and the concentrations they give you is at that temperature so you just use those concentrations and calculate the Kc. if it were a diff temp then the concentrations would be different because the volume changes with temp.

Question about credit......?

ok you have a checking account -- go to the bank and ask them based on your income statement which you will fill out and give them how much of a auto loan will the give you -- now you have a figure to work with when you go car shopping - say they tell you that you can buy any car with a loan value of 3k than you will have a figure to work with!!! meanwhile you could also have the bank arrange for you to get a credit card -- you could care less about the interest because any time you use it you will pay off the complete balance when due - right!!! if you have been listening to the news you should be aware credit is tight and going to be tighter -- also back to the car call at least two insurance companies and get a ball park figure of how much insurance is going to cost in your area -- i do not want you to but a car you can afford but can not afford the insurance!!! good luck!!!

Why do schools teach evolution, a false theory, and completely shun all other theories, which is unscientific?

Evolution has been proven false by the DNA code, which prevents it from happening. Discounting other theories (creationism, for instance) without giving them a thorough look is quite simply unscientific! Also, not teaching multiple points of view is bias, something scientists are supposed to avoid. Am i right?

Question only for rich married couples?

Are you aggravated like my wife and I are that we are having to front the money to alleviate the over-spenders and credit fiends' problems in this country? We have a beach house that we are almost scared to go to in fear of being robbed by kids waiting for people owning beach houses to arrive. Are you facing the same aggravation---not so much the beach house dilemna but rather the issue of us having to bail out the middle cl since they have trouble controlling their spending? The middle cl, in my honest opinion, are at the core of our economical woes. They, againn in my honest opinion, are breaking this country through buying cars and houses and so forth they do not need to be driving in or living in.

How will the 49ers do 2010-2011 Season?

I think they will do good this year. I predicted them to win the division last year. Obviously that didn't happen, but that doesn't discourage me from choosing them again this year. Crabtree is getting in a full offseasons work this year, Vernon Davis is great, and Alex Smith played pretty well last year. And the Cardinals just seemed to take a lot of steps back this offseason, so I really cant see them taking the division.

Hey guys i need your help...i need some really cute and unique bday gifts for my best fran shes 14 n lvs blue?

her favorite colors blue lime green and lavender. she is turning 14 and i wanna get her something really cool cute and unique. she is my best friend and i luv her. she loves mariah carey and fergie. shes not into makeup so tht wont work. she likes really unique and creative things which i am not haha thnx for the help

Percentage of obese golden retrievers?

I really need to know the percentage, or if you had any links where I could find such studies. Thank you very mucho.

Can any one suggest best scooter/scooty for ladies in india?

Looking at your requirement and considering your wife's weight, lets cut down a few options from your choices. Hero Honda Pleasure is light and is a 100cc vehicle so, its a good option for your wife. But, maintenance and performance of Pleasure is not rated high over the Activas and the Dio's. I've been told that the mileage is also under 40 on a Pleasure. Activa is a good vehicle which is tested and proven over the years in the Indian roads, Mileage and the weight is a definite points to look into since, Activa is heavier and its average mileage is around 40-45. Don't consider the Scooty Pep+ or the Streak as it is below 100cc and less power when compared to the other scooterettes in the segment. Moreover, the spares part costs are exuberant in TVS vehicles. Aviator is not doing that good in the market, so suggest you to take a test ride on Dio and if your wife is comfortable with it, go for it since it is definitely lighter than its cousin Activa so, more power than Activa and better mileage than Activa as well. Anyways, if you need a couple of choices, then decide among the Dio, Activa or the Pleasure. If I were you, then I'd have gifted the Dio.

Comments on my poem I wrote, and some ideas?

U put "my" way too much. Instead of "my purple lips shiver, my body blue" just put "purple lips shiver, body blue" and then u can keep the next "my" so they know it's still about u

I heard Ariel is one of the gayest dudes. Is this true?

I have seen him snuggling with a man on the couch, watching "Pretty Woman" by himself, and using Herbal Essence.

Did Claudine move to GMA?

Yes, she did and I am glad. I am a Kapuso. Now, no need to fight. Just remember, we don't own the stations.

If Pacman wins titles in Jr Middleweight and Middleweight divisions,will he go down as the GOAT?

hed only be considerd if he beat floyd, then the paul williams at jr, then pavlik at middle, he wouldnt be able 2 pic and choose, hed have 2 fight the best in each division like the warriors of the past

Windows Movie Maker really sucks?

Omg Windows movie maker really sucks! Can anyone tell me a very good home video editing software..better if is a freeware but well don't mind I can also buy it if it is a really good one and worth it...

I have love for God with all my heart but...?

Get yourself a good job, get married and love your wife only. Then you can have all the as much as you want. But, I think, on the part thing, Christians would not agree. It bores them.

Online Business Setup - Legal Questions?

You can do what ever you like but you are not required to form a corporation for any business activity including internet businesses. Since forming a corporation is expensive and requires work, I would suggest operating the businesses as sole proprietorships until you see how they do.

How many punches did Mosley throw last night?

I keep hearing people say how Pac will beat Mayweather due to his high volume punching. What these people fail to realize is that Shane threw fewer punches than he normally does. Why? Because he was weary of Mayweather's jabs and countering. Pac will also be hesitant to let his hands go against Floyd, which will result in a lower punch output. Also, I know a lot of people enjoyed seeing Mosley rock Floyd in round 2. Don't count on it when Pac fights him. It was a lucky shot. Not saying Pac wont land punches, but it they won't be that flush. I predict a KO for Floyd against Manny.

Is it weird that I like...?

Other kids at school LOVE My Chemical Romance, but I hate them. I'm more into HSM, Miley Cyrus, Green Day, Aly and AJ, Natasha Bedingfield, Kelly Clarkson, and AC/DC. I'm only 12, and I think that everyone's growing up way too fast. Everone says HSM and Zac Efron is gay and Miley sucks. I thought parents actually want their kids to listen to this kind of stuff, but not mine! They hate HSM and Miley. Should I speak up?

What substance will form a precipitate with AgNO3 but not Hg(NO3)2, and what is the preciptate that forms?

CoCl3 [cobalt(III) chloride] and the precipitate will be a white chalky substance with a pink supernatent fluid and it is AgCl silver chloride, a salt

You opinion on the Irish invasion of AFL ?

Brisbane, St Kilda & Richmond (2) between then have 4 new players from Ireland training with them. What's the drum ?

Should we go through with the adoption??

My husband and I are adopting a teenager that has lived in institutions most of her life. She now has a stable home environment but insists on pushing us away. She has made false allegations of abuse to authorities and to school, threatens to kill herself, runs away, steals and has violent mood swings. We have therapists and social workers but they are not much help. She has been ually and physical abused most of her life by her brother, uncle and birth-mom's boyfriend. Has anyone gone through with this kind of situation before? Has anyone BEEN this kind of kid before but has "healed" and become a model citizen? We have a month to decide if we should continue the adoption or not.

Do top colleges practice Affirmative-Action?

I am an African-American sopre and I am a pretty good student. I got a 2010 on the SAT and my GPA is a 3.87. I know I am going to college, but I want to know if colleges such as MiT, Yale, and CalTech will be more lenient toward my application. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


its a black quilted gold chain bag, do i let the chain hang or do i hold the bag from the chain?!?! please help, thank you!!!

I am worrying about grad school costs. Which program would you choose?

I was accepted into two graduate programs for International Business. One is the MBA program for Thunderbird (arizona) and the other is University of Maryland for a MIM (Master of International Mgmt). Both are basically business degrees, but I opting to do the programs ONLINE so I can stay with my job while I do them. I have been so stressed out over which program to choose. Thunderbird has an extremely good reputation, one of the best for international MBA, however is costs $75,000 for the program. The U of Maryland costs $18,000. I know thunderbird has a better reputation, but I am not sure bcs. I really dont know what I want to do when I graduate and I get really scared thinking about that humongous debt I will have. It really scared me, especially bcs. I am not sure what I will be doing afterwards and if I will be making alot of money. I am 31 years old, just dont know if I wnat to risk all that money. Any ideas?

How come Osama bin Laden has not been caught yet?

I'm laughing my *** off at all these Saudi nitwits and their conspiracy theories. Then again brainpower isn't at a premium in a country where slavery was abolished in 1962.

How would you handle this...?

My husband is a realtor and sometimes hosts "open houses" and I am amazed at the behavior of children that come into the homes. I will stop in to bring my husband lunch and witness children running through someone else's home, taking stuff out, messing up stuff, playing tag, etc. and the parents just ignore them and do NOTHING! It is almost like they just tune them out while they browse the home. They also come in and take 20 brochures just to be dumb, etc. and I don't think parents understand that realtors pay for those advertising brochures and they can get expense, sometimes around 5.00 a brochure to have them printed up! It makes me so angry and it is all I can do to bite my tongue, but my husband will not say anything to the parents because he said that if it offends someone that could be bad for his reputation...which as a realtor, his reputation is a big part of his job. He just "grins and bears" it and accepts it as a part of his job.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The wait is slow torture!!!?

So me and my boyfriend have been dating for 3 1/2 years when we mutually decided that were ready for the next step, engagement. I was so excited because this is something that I have always wanted and I know that I wanted it to be him. We went and bought the engagement ring together and had it sized and everything but as soon as we brought it home, he hid it. Its been a week and the anticipation is entirely too much. He said that he isnt going to tell me anything and that he wants it to be a complete surprise. I know that it has only been a week but its killing me inside that the ring is in the house but I dont get to wear it. I just cant wait for him to get down on one knee and sweep me off of my feet. HELP WHAT SHOULD I DO TO GET MY MIND OFF OF THINGS OR TO PERHAPS SPEED THE PROCESS UP?!?

Now who will the raiders draft?

They resigned Fargas, so they wont take McFadden. Basically, if Chris Long, Sedrick Ellis, Glen Dorsey, AND Jake Long fell (which i know won't happen) who will they take. If that person isn't available, which if the remaining three will they pick. And if THAT guy isnt avaiable, which of the final two do they pick.? I think right now theyd take Glen Dorsey, since their O-line was decent enough last year and they have prushers. If dorsey is gone, i think theyd go with Jake Long. if not him, then probably Sedrick Ellis. I just dont think theyre gonna go with a defensive end.

Breaking away from controlling parent?

I'm a 21 year old guy who still lives with his parents. For a couple of years, I've been wanting to move out and live somewhere seperate from them. My mom is very controlling and she's always telling me what to do with my day. She also disregards my privacy and is always getting into my business. I have a $10 an hour job right now and I'm saving money for school, but it's gonna take awhile and I really can't deal with living under my mother's dictatorship anymore. I know that I should find a place for rent, but I'm a bit of a dummy when it comes to the process (My parents never really showed me what to do or how to even validiate a new home address) What are the essential steps I need to know about moving out and how do I make them?

Only to man utd fans?

can you explain when you played liverpool and fulham why did fergie not give an interview after the game but he did today ??.


In my family room that is 16' ceilings and very open concept to the kitchen and dining rooms, I have a pop out wall that has a fireplace built into it and a tv mounted above. I am looking to do some sort of shelving on the sides of this but not sure how to go about desgining. i was thinking white wood with shelves on top and maybe gl so i could put lighting... and then the bottoms cabinets for audio storage. any ideas as the room is cathedral


Dont ditch her.... give her another chance but keep a closer eye on her...i have a friend like that also

Preggers ladies.......please answer!! Or others who have been preggers before lol..?

Could you ladies please tell me if you were feeling like AF was showing up early the month you got your BFP? AF for me not due until sept. 30th or 1st. (or not supposed to be due till then anyway). Today, about a few hours ago, I started feeling like AF had shown up early. I ran to the bathroom and--NOTHING! Well except ALOT of clear-snotty like discharge (sorry TMI) but I'm having a few stabbing like pains on my left side. Its nothing bad just annoying. And it feels wet (sorry tmi again lol) and just like AF trying to show early. There's no bleeding or anything just alot of discharge. So I was wondering if any of you ladies had this when you found out you were preggers. Sorry but very hopeful lol. I appreciate all answers! Thanks so much ladies!

How do i remove stain wear lip gloss?

I bought this scarlet red Revlon lip gloss and I tried it on and now it wont come off with my make up removing wipes. How do I take it off?! Please help!!

Creepy guy in cl confusing me?

So, in science cl there is this guy who sits across from me. He pretty much acts immature, making dirty jokes, etc. Well, he got up to sharpen his pencil, and when he was walking back, he brushed his hand through a little bit of my hair. At first I thought it was an accident. But the next time he got up and came back, he brushed the side of mey cheek and said "Oop, gotcha!" all soft. That freaked me out. He then stuck his leg out under the table and rubbed it against my leg. I said "Stop it, or I'll kick you." He stopped. I am very confused. Was he just trying to freak me out, or, as a friend suggested, was he trying to flirt? I have no clue what to make of this!

Is there any realistic way for McCain to win the election?

Sorry to burst the bubble of the Obama supporters on here , but the media doesn't decide an election. Voters do on ELECTION Day. The polls in the swing states are getting closer. This election will be close and noone will know who won until Nov. 4th.

I wonder where this will go?

Ok me and this boy last year went out three times. breakups:1. i dumped him. 2. he dumped me. 3. he dumped me again. this year he had 2 news one named jordan than it went to ariel now he likes emma. We accidental were partly a couple of the two because he was doing a dare for ten dollars. Then this year when we finally got along we once or a few times met at the bathroom and gave each other a hug. he said " I like you, you are one of the honest and best friends i have ever had". But I don't want people to find out that i like you". Then he slapped my and he said just kidding. he was kidding? he also snapped my strap after we had gotten into a huge fight. then when we made up we kissed for a long time and hugged. A teacher than caught us. next time we met. next time we didn't. That was when... My parents examined my phone and saw him and his texts. Then they said you are not allowed to see him anymore. And they told his parents too what we liked each other and they said the same. now i cant go by him anymore. Whenever i go around him i get all sweaty and nervous. my mom said he is not a good influence on me. even though i have a crush on him. today he went to the bathroom a few minutes after i did i said im sorry i left my phone out, my dad... then he made me pause he said " I cant talk to you. I'm sorry." but he stares at me. When he came into the room i was going outside of the room too at school. he said oh sorry i thought you were emma. he doesn't get it i did not tell on him why would i? One of his friends blurted out '" You love Yulia??? who is Yulia??? or emma but it said yulia??? gosh this is sooo hard for me.

Help me with these tenses?

what is the imperfect tense, the past tense, and the ing tense(ando, endo) tense for despedirse? thanks!

Attempting to plan our wedding but not getting help from my other half?! Its making me insane?

Everytime I try something, like making a centerpeice, finding an invitation I like, choosing a wedding band, leafing thru honey moon brochures, describing the menu, whatever... All I get for an answer is whatever you want, or no I don't like that... Never any constructive criticizm... What do I do?! Its really frusterating!

Julius caesar quote...?

can anyone give me a quote from julius caesar that describes how brutus is an honorable character in the book. can you also supply me with the act and scene it is from.

Where can I find Boeing 747-400 flap mechanism to simulate it in 3D CAD software?

IPC/AMM are confusing. Don't want exact dimension but atleast operation mechnism. No confidential data required.

Can anybody tell me how to contact Ariston in Ireland PLEASE?

I have a new boiler that is falling apart and is a danger to my family but the only contact details i can get anywhere are for the USA and they dont reply. PLEASE HELP. LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION?

Slovakia and Czech lands?

I'm so confused about the history of Slovakia and the Czech lands. In 1968 were they united as Czechoslovakia? Or were they still separate lands? I know they were separated in the beginning of the 20th century, but I'm confused as to when they were one country and when they were separate and how they influenced each other.

Do you think Police Chief Bratton was blackmailed to step down?

Do you think he was blackmailed by the state government to get a minority, affirmative-action police chief instead of an older white male?

How do I get my baby to sleep longer in the night?

My first was up 3-4 times a night, my 3rd slept 6 hour stretches from the night he was born. Babies at different ages average different amounts of sleep, and if you are unwilling to shorten the naps he has during the day, as I found I had to do with my oldest child, then I don't have any other suggestions for you. Sorry. :(

When you have a cold or something and you go to the doctor, why do they weigh you first?

The weigh you first to keep a record of your weight.Usually to see if you are gaining or losing weight. Every one has a different body frame, there is certain weight to be sustained according to your frame and if you are a man or woman.If you are morbidly obese than he will tell you what foods to eat or not.Also exercising or swimming is good. Weighing any one is normal procedure in a hospital or clinic.Regardless of the symptoms.

Erin Torpey to return to OLTL?

that's awesome! i can't wait! as for the age discrepency, there are some chirstian sects who believe that when you die as a baby or child, you enter heaven as an adult. (at least that's how it was in the left behind series)

18 still no facial hair?

Less shaving equals less work in the morning! Now seriously, wait a few years and don't desperate, it may grow or not. Just be patient. ;)

Where do I look for the FAFSA application?

Yes, I am trying to help my student look for it in Spanish. I know there's an option for me to translate, but he does not own a computer, so I am trying to help him and his mother with a full look at the Spanish one, but I am kind of clueless as to what to do. Where can I find the a full Spanish file or printable option of the Spanish FAFSA application. Thanks.

Where really is this mobile market - Bangkok or Manila?

i'm not sure. got an email like that claiming manila but then when i check youTube saw exact video claiming bangkok daw.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Got some girl problems plz hlp?

K some there's this girl who i've been crushing on and has been my best friend 4 about 2 years and right when i was getting ready to ask her out at a party she ask my friend out. I can tell she still likes me and she's trying to get out of the relationship so we can be together I've kept it obvious that I'm still available 4 her but we just haven't gotten the timing right what can i do cuz I'm bout ready to give up hope but i don't know if i should yet

If you observed a cell under a microscope during cytokinesis, how could you tell which type of cell it is?

If you see cell plates forming to meet the cell wall, it's a plant cell. If you see a cell pinching in at the center, it's an animal cell. Plant cells have cell walls that are too rigid to pinch in. It's hard to describe the pinching in but it looks like pulling a drawstring or tightening a belt that keeps getting tighter and tighter until it finally pinches off to make two new cells.

Poll: How do you normally dress?

l wear dresses with leggings and uggs, or l wear tunics with skinny jeans and a pair of ankle boots, that kind of thing. There are days where l wear a tracksuit when l'm not doing anything, which is obviously different than going out in public! l love leggings so much! l know they're common now but they are so, so comfortable. They actually keep you warm, especially jeggings and treggings. xD

Wrestling Fans?

Do you think the wwe is losing it. They seem to be getting rid of the wrestlers that draw a good fan base and hiring ppl who just cant cut it. Cant they take a page out of the attitude era? Im not a big fan of TNA but it seems to be gaining a bigger and bigger fan base. Think it might overtake the wwe if they dont get their act together?

Can I use towels as guinea pig bedding?

I use bedding and then I have a blanket ontop of the bedding. IT works well. I have 3 of them and 2 are always clean. I change her cage twice a week and frequent spot cleanings. I have the blanket so part is out of the cage, so she cant burrow under it.

Cheap places to stay near bangkok airport?

I'm flying from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport at 9am , arrive back in bangkok at 9pm the night before, can anyone rec a CHEAP place i can stay that night which is next to the airport? So i can land from Samui , sleep and go back to the airport quickly. Also can you tell me the best way to get from Bangkok Airport to the kho san road when i arrive? How much such a cab cost?? Should i pre book?

Well. . .. idk what to do.!!!! GUYS help me.!!!?

Guys please tell me what this means. This guy i barley know saw a picture of me and said i was cute. and over the phone he sent me several picture of his . and well. . . . . . . . . . . . what does it mean.? we don't really even know each other. And another thing is. . . . well i was kind of turned on. my legs ached in anticipation. help me.!!

Please Check My Report Cause It's due tomorrow. Please give advice.?

8th grade? You've done a good job here. Lots of detail. Only typo I saw was in the 4th sentence, wad instead of was, minor but you don't want to loose a mark because of something this small. I really can't think of anything to add. Double check for typos, and you look ready to hand this in.

How do you knock someone out without using much strength/energy?

Don't hit fatty in the head. You risk breaking your hand. Hit him right below the sternum and knock the wind out of him. Fatty will fall like a ton of bricks.

Im a Newly Single Mother dating a guy without kids?

Why do women always have to follow these unwritten rules? We're going to fast! I think I'm just a good fit for him right now? I think I'm too old for him. Just go with the flow, don't get too emotional and see where it goes.

How do I handle this work situation? Was professional now personal?

Look for a new job, but Do tell your boss, when you give notice, its because of this person. At least you'll be helping others on your way out. Complaining and staying may only make your work envirement worse. She sounds very insecure that a professional disagreement causes her to act so childish.

Federer = Consistent; Nadal = ALL; BEST = ???; GOAT = ?

It's true; you are disappointing us. Coming up with such limited ysis and grammatical problems is obviously not up to the question, must I say.

If you were alone, stranded on an Island like Tom Hanks was?

That depends.... how long winded can I be with this wish? I wish I was in a huge mansion that is paid for and I am getting ready to take a vacation to see the world with my unlimited amount of money and my kids were getting along because they saw the wonderful example my husband was setting by doting on his genius skinny beautiful wife.

How do you deal with annoying friends?

I have to meet up with this friend since we've already committed to do some voluntary work together at this org.For some reason she always makes these profound remarks. Ever since she joined one of those paid "self-improvement" forums she's been so high up in her horses, telling everyone what THEY should do abt their lives.She's now always questioning my productivity and makes silly remarks like "oh, what are u busy for?". Apparently she was bothered by the fact that nobody was answering her calls and makes these imaginary claims that she sent me sms when in fact I never got them. Seriously, Im never seeing her again, not just because of 1 incident, but cos she did me wrong for many years,w/ no apologies. After awhile of not seeing her I thought she'd change, but she never did.Im seeing her for last time for this voluntary work,how do I deal w/ her without making a scene! she constantly says something tactless-she has a foul mouth and loves to feel superior!

Can someone rank my fantasy football team?

This is a nice team for a 12 team league if your guys coming off injuries perform up to their past capabilities. I like Miller as a TE, but he could end up blocking a lot this year given the Steeler's OL problems. Week 5 you will be playing without Brady, Welker, Miller, Wallace, the Steeler D, and Washington since the Pats, Steelers and Seahawks all have a bye. That will require you to either play the week without a TE or to drop someone (most likely Miller barring injuries to anyone else). I would probably be looking for a replacement for Miller now - especially since Roethlisberger won't be back until week 6 at best (4 week suspension plus the bye).

I want to be scene but i dont want to do all of the things that i need to be scene.?

do u have to do all the steps to be scene. or can i just do the easy ones util i get used to it? if so, what are those things?

How to make Crysis Warhead play on higher FPS?

If that is the lowest graphics the game can handle and you still encounter that problem, im afraid there is no other way... besides upgrading...

What should the Nsw team be next year?

thats a pretty good team but i just want to remind everyone that Fitler coached the Roosters to a wooden spoon last year and right now theyre sitting in the top 4 with their new coach. Everyone that says fitler should be coach just says it cause hes well known. Amateurs haha

Help!!!! Crochet!!!!! Need Help!!!!!! Best Answer Gets Rewarded: 10 points!11?

someone please help me... i been tryin to learn to crochet for 4 years and i cant get past the chain. i dunno how to do anything else... please help i wanna make potholders, please help

Are these kinds of "ancient" outdated arguments for Young Earth Creationism still being published? Why?

It is mostly for preaching to choir to stir them up. Scary though since it has been effective in the US. Canada and Western Europe, the societies most like us, do not have this problem of religion trying to suppress science anywhere near the extent the US does.

Martha Stewart...?

So my Bf and i are having a heated debate....and just to prove my point and be right for once... Did Martha Stewart get arrested for smoking marijuana?

Can you buy the SNL Portraits that are featured during the show?

On Saturday Night Live there are really cool pictures of whatever celebrity is hosting the show that week. I believe they are done by Mary Ellen Matthews. Is it possible to buy prints of those pictures?

What should I have..........?

Hiya, I think you should have fish finger sandwich, followed by shop brought bakewell tart my faviourite yummy. Hope this help Injoy x

What is the post code of Sri Lanka?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do people single out Mormons for wanting to ban gay marriage?

In reality the evangelical born again Christians - which tend to be non-denominational - that are your biggest fundamentalist minority, up to 45% of the population. These aren;t the people going door to door for civil discussion like the Mormons and JW's, they are the ones standing next to the bar downtown with a giant sign saying repent or burn!

Do Glen Beck Haters (who never watch him getting info on his from MSNBC) he refused the flag on his first book?

lol beck defames himself hes a conspiracy theorist how low have you become to compare hitler to obama that's a spit to the face of all those who died under the nazis regime

Nursing Review Centers?

Can anybody here give me information about philippine nursing review centers (scheds, contact nos, location and price ranges). I have been searching online because I don't have the time to canv personally, and so far all I've got is Gapuz and Royal Pentagon.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why is Heath Ledger in that upcoming movie?

I seen a preview for this movie and it says Heath Ledger is in it. Isn't he dead? Or did he pull a Tupac on us.

Are baby's pacifiers ever called "gullies"?

When I was a small child, I used to call my pacifier a "gulley", and my parents and grandma accepted the term, and used it also. I know they're called a "binky", but does anyone ever use the word "gulley" for it? I don't know if that's an actual term, or something made-up by us (possibly because I lived near Gulley Road in Dearborn, Michigan growing up).

Does anybody think deisel or booker t will return permanetly?

they were at the rumble but lost i read on deisel said he would stay for as long as they would let him but i didnt see anything about booker t

Can someone write me 3 line verse poem plz?

can some one write me a 3 line verse poem that's about the ending of something and have at least one figurative of language like similes, metaphor...

Wrestling Section: Why is This wrong?

Everyone is saying SmackDown General Manager Cindy Lopez is not better than The Dark Society (Davis Mutomiya, Carlos Ramon, Jetta Handover, Sakura, Machamp, & Flamedramon), when D-Generation X (myself, Tyranitar, Ash Ketchum, & Typhlosion) have the GM's back. I want an explanation why this is happening.

What filter is used in this picture?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Guys only! Help :D please?

ok so i like this guy and i wanna know if he likes me. we have 1 cl together and i sit next to him. hes always joking with me and smiling at me. Like he wen to go sharpen his pencil and i looked up as he was walking back and he smiled and me and i smiled back. During SSR (mandatory reading) ill be talking to my friends cause my teacher doesnt care and the guy is always looking up and me then goes back to doing his work. Guys can you tell me what are some signs you like a girl?

Rank from sluttiest to nicest ! How would you rank them ?

Amanda Bynes,Ashley Tisdale.Raven Simone,Kaley Cuoco,Miranda Lambert,Hilary Duff,Ashley Olsen,Kellie Pickler,Miley Cyrus,Selena Gomez....Beside the name tell me why this person is chosen where they are.

Do you like this poem? Suggestions?

Oh my gosh! I absolutely loved it!! It was very touching, and I think any mother would just LOVE to receive this poem!!! I hope she loves it forever! Wish your mom happy birthday for me hehe even if she has no idea who i am. Keep writing, dude!

Gelatin in lucky charms cereal?

i seen there was "gelatin" (uming the marshmellows) ,and i hear gelatin is pork,or something,is the gelatin in lucky charms meat of some type?,and if i just ate the Oats,not the marshmellows in the cereal,will i ingest gelatin still?

Do you think that this computer?

Yes, that computer will be great for what you want to do. It's very fast and has a huge storage space.

Just out of curiousity.. how much do you think these coins are worth..?

Your 1964 Kennedy half dollar is .900 silver depending on it's condition it's worth appox. $11.00 to $13.00, the gold colored quarter 1976 bicentennial has been plated as for a novelty item (It is a US mint coin but someone had it or ordered it plated) is just worth .25 cents

I would like to paint over mahogony fireplace. How do I do about this?

hi the spray paints are very good but you would have to cover everything around it but you would get a better result than painting it b@Q do loads of them just ask someone in the shop tell them what your doing there tell you which to use homebase also do it i have done many things with it good stuff my dad did his bath panel as he wanted white it was green so good luck

What is the Fodder of the mind.?

bhai tumhaare dimag me kya koi gau mata bathi hai kya jo bhoose ki talaash me ghoom rahe ho....kyo ki waise bhi bhoosa khilaane ke baad gobar hi bhar jayega dimag me.....

Elevated Potium possible without supplement?

Your biggest mistake is that of many, trying to treat yourself. You need to drop some of the potium foods you're eating and this will lower your potium level. Right now it's too high and you're taking a big chance at causing illness to the kidneys, and/or heart. Both of these organs are effected by potium and too much or too little can cause you to go into any number of things. Remember you only have one life to live and you need to keep it as healthy as possible. You can only do this with the help of the right doctor when something goes wrong. Everyone needs a yearly physical with blood and urine ysis. Good luck and God Bless